a photo a week challenge – brown

Nancy wants us to think brown and straight away my thoughts went to chocolate. Nancy is after the dark, rich deep brown (just like chocolate) to dominate our images and here is my chocolate gallery. I loooOoOooove chocolate!!! “If there’s no … Continue reading

a photo a week challenge – atmospheric

“There are no walls in the atmosphere.” Kim Prather “Sometimes when you lose your way in the fog, you end up in a beautiful place! Don’t be afraid of getting lost!” Mehmet Murat Ildan Walking back to my hotel in … Continue reading

a photo a week – still life (sort of)

“Still life.” What a lie. Life isn’t still. Death is.”  Jordan Weisman “Instead of hiding behind the curtain, be the curtain itself; you will never be found!” Mehmet Murat ildan Window arrangement at ““Systrana på Piren” (The sisters on the … Continue reading

a photo a week challenge – timing is everything

“Skinny-dipping is like Paris. It’s always a good idea.”  Rebecca Paula A wet and misty…. June day on the Danish island Fanø. I was on at least on a good couple of hundred meters distance (not the greatest focus) when … Continue reading

a photo a week challenge – shades of pink

“Pink colors my world red!”  Anthony T.Hincks “When life gives you lemons. . . You might as well shove ’em where the sun don’t shine because you sure as hell aren’t ever going to see any lemonade.” Rob Thurman My … Continue reading

a photo a week challenge: nostalgia

Nostalgia, not an easy subject for me. Don’t know why?????!! What brings back the strongest memories from my childhood that I can explain with the help of my camera is probably the laundry hanging in my grandma’s garden … nearly … Continue reading