a pint of prawns with head, please

There is nothing so popular in Sweden as freshly boiled prawns – everybody likes them, living in Gothenburg – that’s the major fishing market in Sweden .. I was spoiled with high quality and freshly boiled everyday, except Mondays.

In Gothenburg the public fish market is “Fiskekyrkan”, “the Fish Church” and as you can see from the photo why it got it’s name. It was built in 1874 and was then the fish mangler market – until it move to the new facilities in 1910. Today it’s only for the public – and restaurants buy all their fish and seafood there. There is also a couple of very popular restaurants at the market. Of course “Fiskekyrkan” is a major tourist attraction in Gothenburg. It’s to be spelled “Feskekörka” if you’re a true Gothenburger.

So when I serve them I given them a little twist – I serve them as a pint and instead of serving with only plain mayonnaise I spicy it up a bit … still I serve toast with them and hand wipes.

A pint of prawns with anchovy and chilli mayo, serve 4 

900g (2lb) prawns
4 anchovy fillets
2 red chillies
150ml (0.65cup) good quality mayonnaise
2 little gem heads
lemon wedges, to serve

Divide the prawns between 4 pint glasses and garnish with a lemon wedge.

Finely chop the anchovies, halve and seed the chillies – finely chop too, mix both in with the mayonnaise – divide between 4 suitable ramekins.
Cut the lettuce into wedges, 2 per person.

A 10 min starter that will impress and be enjoyed!

“I`m on a seafood diet — I see food, I eat it.”
Dolly Parton

Photos provided by and thanks to:gimmemorephotos.com/sevardhet.se/tiotips.nu/svenskfisk.se

15 thoughts on “a pint of prawns with head, please

  1. What a dream of a fish market! I am not sure about eating prawns with there heads on though.

    • Silly you … you have to peel the head away … and we don’t eat the head – only served whole. *smile – I took the headline to the post from UK – where you have to tell if you want a head or not on your pint of beer.

  2. Hi,
    I love prawns, in fact most seafood, and those markets are unreal, everything looks very clean and fresh. Great photos.
    Good recipe as well.

    • Girl, you have to eat seafood .. once in while – because you need Selenium in your body – one of the most important minerals for our brain cells and bone structure, as we, women has more brain cells then men – we need the double amount, also preventing cancer – only so you know – that fish and seafood is only good for you, even as a vegetarian. Thanks … for your support.

    • Little Gem or Baby Gem, or Sucrine, is a small lettuce often described as ‘a combination of Butter and Romaine’. – and our fishermen don’t fish over weekends – they go out early Monday morning and the first fresh catch is in Tuesday morning – so all fish manglers and shops are closed on Monday over here.

  3. Yummy! I love prawn heads and of course, my husband would frown when he sees me really having a grand time with them. I think that the head is the tastiest part of the prawn. All the flavors are there. 😉

    • Totally agree – we don’t eat the head on the prawn, but we do on our crayfish that we eat in August – will do a post about that. Agree with you that all the tastes in the heads – suck the brain out of them *smile

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