lens-artists photo challenge #81 – find something red

Hopefully, Patti has made it easy for me … find something red – I have loads of red in my every day, but have I captured any of the reds???

Yes, I have … loads!!! Here is some of them.

“I like my wine how I like my shoes. Red.”

I have said for so long I can remember that every woman should have a pair of red high heels in her wardrobe – I bought mine about 15 years ago (LK Bennett) … and they still are in fashion. I call them my taxi-shoes because I have never walk properly in them. I have worn them a couple of sit down dinners and danced ones in them, but with another pair to change into for going home. I love them and but with the neuropathy damage I have in my feet, I will never be able to dance in them again .. or maybe even wear them. They are one of the biggest my guilty pleasures.

“I adore Chicago. It is the pulse of America.”
Sarah Bernhardt

Some of the 4000 red seating at The Jay Pritzker Pavilion, which is the premier outdoor Amphitheatres in Chicago. Located centrally in Millennium Park in the Loop. The Pavilion itself offers an incredibly unique design, brought together by architect Frank Gehry. The Amphitheatre has a capacity of 11,000, offering a great atmosphere when seeing live shows!

Jay Pritzker was a prominent Chicago businessman, that died in 1999; his family own several businesses, including Hyatt Hotels. The Pritzker family had donated $15 million to fund Gehry’s “creation” and an additional nine donors committed a total of $10 million. In the summer the city holds nearly every day free events at the pavilion, like zumba classes and on Saturdays, The Grant Park Symphony Orchestra plays for free in the evening, just spectacular – July 2012

“Don’t let a man put anything over on you except an umbrella.”
Mae West

The red umbrella is very symbolic of Japanese weddings. The colour red in Japan means life and wards off evils and the umbrella itself keeps the bride dry if it happens to be raining. It’s quite large and usually carried by a man who follows the bride in a wedding procession. This image I captured in Yoyogi Park at Meiji Shrine, Tokyo – April 2015.

“If there’s no chocolate in Heaven, I’m not going.”
Jane Seabrook

Chocolate dipped fresh strawberries … say no more. The ultimate guilty pleasure???!!!  And dipped in Godiva chocolate too!!!! This was a birthday treat to me while visiting Bruges, the little medieval romantic city in Belgium that is filled with tourists, chocolate and mussels – September 2017

“Denmark is like a big family of people”
Suzanne Bier

The oldest continuously used national flag in the world is that of Denmark. The current design of a white Scandinavian cross on a red background was adopted in 1625 and its square shape in 1748. In Denmark, it is known as the ‘Dannebrog’ or ‘Danish cloth’ having been used by the kings of Denmark since the 14th century, but it was certainly in use in the 1370s as the Gelre Armorial by Claes Heinenzoon (or Heynen 1345-1414) shows. This small flag I found in the Tax-Free Shop’s Christmas tree at Copenhagen airport, Kastrup – December 2018.

Next week will it be me that is hosting the challenge … I really hope I will be up for the task.

I welcome you all to join me on this fantasic playground as this challenge is.


32 thoughts on “lens-artists photo challenge #81 – find something red

  1. Fantastic post Viveka. Why does it not surprise me that you adore red?!?! I loved the chocolate strawberry images – as they are among my favorite sweet treats. And somehow your quotes are always so very perfect for your images. Beautifully done. looking forward to next week’s challenge!

    • ThaAaaaAAaaanks, Tina … you are my kind of girl! You are now a VIP-member in myguiltypleasure club. Who doesn’t like chocolate-dipped strawberries? It is also a very sexy treat.
      Yes, Saturday is coming up quickly … I really hope I have managed to make the “players” play. Really enjoyed doing the post, but you know nothing comes short or light with me. *laughing

      • LOL, I told Ann-Christine that altho it is longer than our usual weekly post, I LOVED it and thought our followers would too. It is SO you 😀. Happy to join the club!!!

      • Thank you so much … yes, lets hope that I’m up for the task. I always struggle with post under 500 words, probably why I haven’t made any progress with my blog, but I can’t change. Glad you want to join the club. *smile

  2. Love the post – I think I might break my neck in those shoes- I have these awesome red steady flats that almost look like ballet shoes – I may have to pull those out this week – I love them sooo much!

    • Amy, wear red shoes … doesn’t matter high or flat and .. you will be dancing *smile – That Sunday at the Meiji Shrin was fantastic – I saw 8 weddings. Thanks for the cheerful comment.

      • I saw a wedding at Meiji, but could not take a good photo because of the crowd. Ever since I started taking photo a little more seriously, I stopped wearing high heel shoes. Your photo reminds me to get a red walking shoes. 🙂 🙂

      • We must have been lucky at the Meiji … because it wasn’t that busy … got some really good shots. But it was like a wedding factory … we got bored in the end. *laughing. I don’t wear high heels anymore because of my feet problems. Red walking shoes, brilliant idea !!! Ann Christine bought a pair of orange a couple of years ago .. she very light on her feet in them *laughing

    • Loisa, I don’t know if it’s going to be fun … I have made it very easy for myself. But maybe with a different view on the topic/theme … I chosen. Thank you so much for your support.

  3. I do love your red shoes, Vivi. I still have my cream satin bride’s ones, of a similar height, and I think they’ve only been worn once since the ‘big day’, almost 30 years ago 🙂 🙂 Looking forward to your challenge next week!

    • Jo, I have used the image before in some challenges – they are my favourite shoes, not because they are the most comfortable .. they are going to be like your bridal shoes *smile – I’m thinking of putting them on display in the bookshelf in the living room. I wish you both a pleasant week. ChallengeHug

  4. Ah, your gorgeous red shoes! Love your post, as always diverse and fun. I used to love shoes as well – but the last 5-6 years my feet have let me down. And since the left foot was operated on, I cannot wear high heels, or flat shoes…I bought a gorgeous pair of black lacquer high heels on Madeira – renowned for these kind of shoes – but had to give them away.Could not bear looking at them anymore. So much dancing and so much fun. I will buy some real red ones to cheer me up!

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