cce’s fun foto challenge – summer scenes

“If a picture is good,
it tells many different stories.”
Josef Koudelka

This gallery is all about our Swedish summer at it’s best!

“Every summer there are a number of nights, not many, but a number,
when everything is perfect.
The light, the warmth, the smells, the mist, the birdsong – the moths.
Who can sleep? Who wants to?”
Fredrik Sjöberg (Swedish author)

The cloud I have chosen for this post is from Four Pieces from ‘Frosoblomster’ No.2- Sommarsang (Song of Summer) by the Swedish composer Olof Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867-1942). He is best known for three albums of national romantic piano pieces entitled Frösöblomster I, II and III (Flowers of Frösö), which includes the often performed Vid Frösö kyrka (At Frösö Church) and Sommarsång (Summer Song). The sets, which were composed over a period of 18 years (1896 – 1914).

In my book … there is no music can reflect the Swedish summer better than this piece.


Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Summer Scenes

4 thoughts on “cce’s fun foto challenge – summer scenes

    • Dia, I would say that it’s a bit cold for the beach if you want to jump in … for a walk along the seafront, the weekend will be perfect *smile – WELCOMEhug

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