dare, grow and take up space

funkimodels - facebook comYesterday I watched a very interesting and beautiful program about a very speci al model agency in Stockholm – Funki Models. That I just have to share with you. I know very little about agency and so I had to turn to their website to get some information.

Funki Models, models with that little extra, most of their website is in Swedish, but there some great photos of their models, so it’s well  worth a visit.

funkimodels logo - funkimodels se

I just love the whole idea behind agency – that people that has disability will have a chance read about fashion and beauty where the models are in the same situation as themself.

The driving forces behind the agency is Lou Rehnlund, Mikael Torstensson (not on this photo) and Petra Matha. What I undertand is the agency fairy new started, I guess a little over a year. Funki Models had very busy year – their event book is full. Eight of Funki models was showing hairstyle and make-up done by Make-up studio in Malmö on Beauty Fair on September 29th. Also present in TV programs and TV commercials. One program was about disability and dating.

Lou Rehnlund - sverigesradio se

“Funki Models is a modeling agency where all the models have some sort of disability – visible or invisible. We provide assignments for film, television and photography, but you can also hire models as lecturers or for marketing research. The models can participate in focus groups or interviews to test new products or maybe try the accessibility of your company’s website or premises.

Funki Models are not only to conveying model jobs, we are now building a coaching business aimed at models to become more comfortable in their roles and to strengthen their self-esteem.

We believe that every person has tremendous potential. It is all about breaking down barriers. Whether they are in the environment or in one’s own perception of what is possible.

Funki Models is runned by Lou Rehnlund, who started Sweden’s first modeling agency for people with disabilities. Funki Models is an independent part of Frösunda

There is no cost to participate as a model in Funki models.” (text: funkimodels.se)

Funki models have had a partnership with Berghs School of Communication. Students in photo education has portrayed 10 Funki models models with focus on their beauty and personality more than their disability. Some of those photos you see below here.

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light of the heart.”
Kahlil Girban

Photos provided by and thanks to;
funkimodels.se/berghs.se/sverigesradio.se/funkimodels (facebook.com)/

37 thoughts on “dare, grow and take up space

    • Andy, I think that is the most important thing … to give young disable people a better self-esteem and to also show that disability doesn’t make you less human and have just the same need of glamour as we have.

    • I’m so glad that somebody has taken this on – for even people with disability want to look good. I don’t know if there is other agencies around the world who do the same thing, but I’m all behind this.

  1. What I like about ideas like this is that they do not “pity” people with disabilities.
    There’s a show (or at least I believe the show is still running) here in Spain, that shows people with disability working like any other citizen, fighting to make ends meet. Working at hotels, kitchens, reception, actors, etc.
    Nice post Viveka and I loved the song.

    • I think its such brilliant thing … I watched the program about the agency yesterday without moving in my chair.
      What a diffirance this make to thoose people, both young and older.
      I just had to share it. Thank you so much for supporting my post. Many has read it, but few likes and comments – wonder why ??? I wish you a great weekend, Leo

    • Yes, I was blown off my chair yesterday evening when I watched the program; they showed when the models were treated as supermodel at Berghs.
      Just wonderful how people can change the life for them that otherwise would have a very little chance to get a job.
      One of the girls was a ballerina but got a muscle illness and now she sits in a wheel chair. One the photos are of her in her wheelchair, beautiful shot. It’s people like them I believe in .. that make a difference to other people lives.

      • Colleen, I just admire people that make a different to other people and there is so many out there – I know there is money to be made in this, but the most important is that those people will get a chance to work and to get self-esteem. Their models are in all ages and I think the whole idea just fantastic. And I had never heard about them before I saw the TV program. Yes, I really admire people that make a different to people here and now.
        Everybody has the right to whatever believes they have, but we have been praying for changes for so long now and nothing gets better. While people like this makes changes.
        There is beauty in everything, somebody has said .. but not all of us can see it. You have a beautiful mind too. *smile

      • I agree with you. I think it is important that people be able to work, and to work in something that has meaning and value to them. Those making money off of this? Good for them? Those helping the models make money off of this? Good for them! And for every person, there is someone who sees beauty in them. I like how you think. 🙂 ❤

      • I totally agree with you – I don’t mind people making money on their ideas … and of course the agency is making money, but the models make money too just like any other models.
        Of course to create the wariness of that people with disability isn’t any different to you and me.
        As you say there is beauty in all of us.

  2. Love the rabbit shot!!! And yes, excellent idea behind this, Vivi. Funny, I was watching Naomi Campbell in “The Face” while I was ironing just now. Supermodel? Super bitch, more like! Or maybe she was “acting”. But darn it, she is beautiful. I think she must have been told that? 🙂
    You ok, hon? Big hug 🙂 have a smiley weekend!

    • My favorite shot too …. I think the whole thing is so fantastic – and for those models it makes such a huge difference to their lives plus they earn some money.
      I have never liked Naomi, I don’t think she is beautiful neither. Tyra Banks has everything I want. *laughing.
      I think Naomi is a bitch – she are never on time .. and she treat people so badly, but she gets away with it.
      I had a fantastic Wednesday; even manage to do my Zumba, first time on 3 weeks.
      Yesterday was discomfort and same today, but it has become better, but I hate that medicine. *smile
      It if works I can live with it. 2 more weeks of it.
      Hope you get a pleasant weekend, with great weather … and BIG HUG!

      • Just back from”girl’s night” and the world is spinning just very gently. Some day I will learn some sense. Love you, Vivi. Lots of positive and happy thoughts for the weekend 🙂
        Mega hug!

      • You are some party animal … it was “girls night out” last week too *laughing. Good on you, Jo … I can’t remember when I had a girls night out here in Sweden, August 2012 I think *smile
        Hug-Hug …. *smile

  3. What a great agency helping the disabled, well done Sweden. I love all the photos, the second one reminded me of a guy Rob and I know, he was squashed between two railway carriages and lost both his legs and one arm. He uses a skateboard to move around, and you know Vavike, he has such a zest for life. His words to me was “Linda, if only people could see past my disability, I am still the same person, just without limbs.” I feel that this agency is doing exactly that. Hoorah!! for them. I must just add that this guys wife left him after his accident but a few years later, a lady with a big heart came along, they fell in love, got married and are very happy.

    • In Gothenburg quite a few years back a fire man lost his whole face in a gas explosion – he was down in a tank when it happened. So he was luck he survived, but his face has no structure what so ever … and he are now working with burn victims, but he met his wife after his accident too and they have 3 kids now. So it’s all about our heart and soul, there is where the true beauty is.
      I think that this model agency is just fantastic … isn’t only about young models, they are in all ages and some are mentally disable, but that doesn’t make any difference to the agency – they work for any kind of disability. Of course they make money from it, but so do their models too.
      The programs just blow the socks of me … just had to share. The young woman sitting the wheel chair was a ballerina, but suddenly she got a muscle illness and now she sits in a wheel chair. Life is so unfair, but Funki Models has given her new career and new hopes.

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